I made this cake because I was bored. Alright, and because I had a ton of batter and icing left over from a job I did for a friend of the family. But yeah, this is how I procrastinate...

After that animal figure cake with the spiral sides I became sort of obsessed with that aesthetic and decided to do this entire three-tiered cake in a similar way, although obviously simpler and cleaner than that baby shower single-tier.

I had two cake batter flavors left, devil's food and a vanilla butter cake, so I marbled them together (maybe over-marbled a little) and then, when baked, cut a notch into the side of each tier so that when layered with the peanut butter and chocolate buttercream on the inside the continuous pattern of the marble could be seen if the layering was scrutinized. I mean... I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who's noticed so far, but that sort of detail gives me all sorts of pleasure.

Nice shot of the whole thing once cut into; the entire cake was 28 layers altogether, excluding the layers of buttercream. Read: once out of the oven and refrigerated, I cut the top tier into eight separate pieces of cake, the middle into ten, and the bottom into ten. The layers of marble cake were re-assembled with alternating layers of peanut butter and chocolate buttercream, and then the entirety was iced and piped in a mixture of the two buttercreams. I used disposable chopsticks from the previous night's Thai dinner to stabilize the two bottom tiers, and cut out cake-boards from an old cereal box (recycle!!!). Again, this is what I do for fun. Sad?
Luckily, a few hours after I finished this behemoth a bunch of hungry (and sorta tipsy) academics came over unexpectedly after the English conference my dad organized and hosted at his university, Columbia, was through and they all got to sample my giant chocolate peanut butter cake. Hooraaay!
being productive while procrastinating sounds like a win-win situation. vanilla butter cake, and peanut butter, chocolate buttercream? oh, god—a trifecta of butter! i have been defeated.